
Liberation Graphics began actively collecting Palestinian posters in 1974 and now houses what many experts believe to be the world's largest and most comprehensive collection of Palestinian-published and Palestinian solidarity poster art. In 1999 Liberation Graphics was awarded an Arts Grant from the Ruth Mott Fund, of Flint, Michigan, to establish the Palestine Poster Project.

The core objectives of the Palestine Poster Project are to:

  • Conserve and document the poster art legacy of the Palestinian people;
  • expand the collection via grants, gifts and access;
  • mobilize this unique cultural patrimony in the United States as a resource for promoting broad-based community involvement in the search for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

The posters exhibited here are but a small sampling from the LG collection, which numbers in the thousands, and includes Palestinian poster art from hundreds of agencies and scores of countries, including Israel. In the coming months translations, interpretations, captions and other explanatory notes will be added for each poster, providing visitors with much more detail. There will also be a cross-referencing feature that will allow students, academicians, researchers and others to find particular artists and subjects.

As large as the LG collection is, however, it is not comprehensive. If you are aware of any collection(s) of Palestinian posters, whether they be in a private studio, national museum, research institute, art gallery or other location, we would very much like to hear from you. We are also very interested in locating catalogs from exhibits that featured Palestinian posters. As a first step, write to us with a brief description of the poster(s) and we will respond as quickly as possible. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY POSTERS UNLESS YOU HAVE RECEIVED A WRITTEN REQUEST FROM LIBERATION GRAPHICS!!!


Learn more about this poster and a hundred others in Antonym/Synonym: The Art of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Recent Press
Review: Poster art of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
(The Electronic Intifada)

Activism through art

Posters Cast Israeli-Palestinian Conflict In New Light

Poster Art, Painted With A Palestinian Perspective
(Washington Post)

[more press]


© 2003 Liberation Graphics. All Rights Reserved.


Please send us your questions and comments (English only please!)
    Another democracy-building arts initiative of Liberation Graphics.