Review: Poster art of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Most Americans find the idea of the political poster to be alien, and dismiss the concept as mere propaganda, a term that automatically takes a negative connotation in the U.S. vernacular. We look at revolutionary Cuba and reject murals and posters of Ché Guevara and Fidel Castro as being anti-democratic propaganda. But we Americans have our own propaganda...
(The Electronic Intifada)
Activism through art
When the Palestinians establish a national museum, the curators will find the largest collection of Palestinian political posters not in Ramallah, Nablus, Beirut or Tunis, but in Washington - and they will find it not in the Library of Congress or in one of America's national museums, but in a small private home out in the suburbs.
Posters Cast Israeli-Palestinian Conflict In New Light
Violence is what most Americans associate with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But there are other images unknown to most Americans in a new exhibit: “Antonym/Synonym: The Poster Art of the Palestinian Conflict.”
Poster Art, Painted With A Palestinian Perspective
Dan Walsh, a graphic arts collector and political consultant from Silver Spring, is at his most intense when the subject is Palestine. He has poured his life, time and money into promoting understanding of this most troubled piece of real estate on planet Earth...
(Washington Post)
Exhibition Denied
With his Palestine Poster Project, Dan Walsh Wants to Promote Democracy, Free Speech,and Dialogue About the Middle East.
(Utne Reader) 248K
Statehood in Mind
Free-form posters are a prime means of promoting the Palestinian cause.Their tenor,quality and authorship may surprise you.
(Print Magazine) 296K
More than Writing on the Wall
When Dan Walsh was a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco in the mid-1970s he came across a number of wall posters at a bus stop in Rabat which he began to translate. One poster was "especially powerful," he said, "unlike anything I had ever seen before."
(Al Ahram Weekly) 184K

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  Another democracy-building arts initiative of Liberation Graphics.