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Gallery 2: Israeli Progressives

Bring the Settlers Home

Don't Say You Didn't Know

Israel at 40

Noble to Die


November 29

Judaea Capta

Stop It!

Within Israel, the oppositional poster tradition is well-established and some of the most popular Israeli artists embrace an outspoken, polemical style that appears to be in its most authentic and trenchant form when skewering Israel’s various political parties, military policies, government officials, founding myths, and Israel’s self-image.

Contemporary Israeli oppositional posters are invariably solidly researched, rich in historical references, highly nuanced, exquisitely designed and almost always provocative. Irony, however, is the indispensable arrow in the Israeli poster artist’s quiver and it is usually aimed with a deftness and unselfconscious courage rarely equaled elsewhere. In a land where much is held sacrosanct, Israeli poster artists recognize no boundaries and honor no restrictions. For them, the highest duty of the artist is to search for, and serve, the truth.


An important note about availability
Most of the posters in this exhibit are limited editions, archival copies, or out of print. They are rare Palestinian historical documents and are not for sale. Liberation Graphics does not have any Palestine posters for sale and has no plans to establish a sales program. If you have a Palestine poster that you would like to donate, or if you would like to learn about our poster exchange program, please visit the Palestine Poster Project page for details.

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